黄宝陵教授现为香港科技大学机械与航空航天工程系的长聘正教授、博士生导师,香港科技大学佛山智能制造研究院副院长。他是香港杰出青年学者奖获得者(2012),曾任ASME HK Section 教育委员会委员。目前任Applied Thermal Engineering 客座编委, Science China: Technological Science青年编委, Scientific Reports 编委, ES Materials and Manufacturing编委。曾参与组织Gorden Research Conference, International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology, Micro/Nanoscale Heat&Mass Transfer Conference等知名国际会议。 目前担任香港科技大学能源学院执行委员会委员以及可持续能源工程专业委员会委员。黄宝陵教授分别于1999年和2001年获清华大学工程力学系工程热物理专业工学学士和硕士学位。2008年毕业于美国密西根大学安娜堡分校机械工程系,获得工学博士学位。黄宝陵教授专注于热能和电化学能源转换,存储和利用,已发表约80篇国际学术期刊论文,约20篇国际学术会议论文,并获美国专利一项。

筑梦十载 科聚湾区 | 港科大佛山中心十周年庆典即将闪亮登场
筑梦十载 科聚湾区。2022年3月30日,我们将迎来中心成立十周年庆典活动,届时将有港科大史维校长送来祝愿致辞,并有中心主任李世玮教授现场分享科大在佛山十年的发展成果。
—中心主任 李世玮教授
HKUST Foshan Research Institute for Smart Manufacturing
HKUST Foshan Research Institute for Smart Manufacturing (FRISM) is established within the Clear Water Bay campus of HKUST, with the sponsorship provided by the Foshan Municipal Government. FRISM intends to facilitate the collaborative innovation and R&D activities between HKUST and Foshan with an emphasis on technical areas related to smart manufacturing and their technology transfer, commercialization, and entrepreneurship, eventually making tangible impacts to the industries and economy of the Greater Bay Area.
Our Missions:
- Manage Foshan HKUST Projects program with an emphasis on technical areas related to smart manufacturing.
- Organize HKUST 1M$ Entrepreneurship Competition Foshan Regional Competition.
- Coordinate the R&D activities between Foshan and Hong Kong.
- Assist HKUST Foshan Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization on matters related to incubation and entrepreneurship.
- Identify technologies and talents in HK and mainland China that are suitable for Foshan.
- Coordinate activities and events to promote the exchange between Foshan and Hong Kong.

2021 ASME Avram Bar-Cohen Memorial Award
Congratulations to Prof. Ricky LEE, Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on receiving the 2021 ASME Avram Bar-Cohen Memorial Award from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
This prestigious award honors Prof. Lee’s outstanding contribution to science and engineering in electronic packaging. Prof. Lee is the Acting Dean of Systems Hub in HKUST(GZ), as well as HKUST’s Foshan Research Institute for Smart Manufacturing, the LED-FPD Technology R&D Center, and the Shenzhen Platform Development Office. Prof. Lee has focused his research on the development of packaging and assembly technologies for electronics and optoelectronics.

HKUST Develops More Efficient Disinfection Method with Ultraviolet LED
Researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have discovered a novel way to enhance the efficiency of the ultraviolet (UVC) light-emitting diode (LED) disinfection technique, and developed a closet that could kill 99.99% of the bacteria and viruses on the garment inside within a minute. The closet is now in use at three special schools under Po Leung Kuk. [Read more]